The Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability (AJDES) is officially recognized by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Uzbekistan (Oliy Attestatsiya Komissiyasi)


We are delighted to announce that the Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability (AJDES), with ISSN: 2697-2212, has been officially recognized by the Supreme Attestation Commission (Oliy Attestatsiya Komissiyasi) of Uzbekistan. This prestigious acknowledgement highlights AJDES as a leading platform for high-quality research in digital economics, finance, and related fields.

This recognition enhances AJDES's credibility and offers researchers, particularly those in 08.00.00 – Economical Sciences, a valuable opportunity to publish their original work in a respected journal that meets rigorous academic standards set by Uzbekistan’s leading academic authorities.

Invitation to Researchers:

We invite scholars, professionals, and academics to submit their original research to AJDES. Publishing in AJDES offers numerous benefits, such as increased credibility, a wider dissemination of research, and compliance with academic requirements for advanced degrees. As an officially recognized journal, AJDES is an ideal venue for innovative research in fields such as digital economics, economic stability, and finance within both the Central Asian and international contexts.

Submission Guidelines:

To maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and quality, all submissions to AJDES must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Original Research: Only unpublished and original studies will be accepted. Submissions must contribute significantly to the relevant field.

  • IMRaD Structure: Manuscripts should follow the standard IMRaD format, which includes:

    • Introduction: Identifying the research problem and objectives.
    • Methods: Describing the methodology and approach.
    • Results: Presenting the key findings.
    • Discussion: Interpreting the results and their implications.
  • Language: All papers must be written in English to ensure global accessibility.

  • References: Each submission should include a minimum of 20 references formatted according to APA style. Proper citation is essential for acknowledging previous research and laying a strong foundation for the study.

  • Formatting and Style: Ensure that manuscripts are well-organized, clearly written, and free from grammatical errors. Submissions should adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines, which can be found on the journal’s website.

Benefits of Publishing with AJDES:

  • Increased Visibility: Reach a wide audience of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of digital economics and finance.

  • Academic Advancement: Publishing in a recognized journal helps researchers fulfill academic qualifications and career progression requirements, especially within Uzbekistan and beyond.

  • Networking Opportunities: Engage with a community of experts and foster collaborative research.

  • Impactful Research: Share your findings with an audience that values innovative, high-quality research, advancing both digital economics and finance practices.

How to Submit:

Researchers interested in submitting their manuscripts to AJDES are encouraged to visit the submission page for detailed instructions. The editorial team is committed to a thorough and timely review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research.

Join Us in Advancing Knowledge:

By publishing with the Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, you are contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of digital economics and stability. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and continuing our mission of promoting excellence in academic publishing.