Are Islamic Boarding School Cooperatives (Kopontren) Ready to Digitize? Study using the TRAM approach


  • Putri Catur Ayu Lestari UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Ravika Mutiara Savitrah UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Maulida Dwi Agustiningsih UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember



Koperasi Pesantren, TRAM, Readiness


Kopontren (koperasi pesantren) aims to maximize the economic potential of Islamic boarding schools in strengthening the economic empowerment. East Java has the third-highest number of pesantren, with 4.452 pesantren and 323.300 santri. With this amount, Kopontren has the potential to be a partner of UMKM in terms of production, consumption, and promotion, thereby contributing to the expansion of local products. Additionally, around 90.48% of Islamic Boarding School owned business that have self-managed or partnerships with the public. These enterprise units are potentially developed into kopontren. But, the fact that neither conventional nor sharia cooperative can be said to be optimal in carrying out their functions. Cooperatives faced a number of problems, including inadequate finance, a lack of skilled SDMs, failure to fulfill internal supervision criteria, and minimal use of digitalization. This study uses a quantitative approach.  The purpose of this study is to analyze user readiness for implementing digitalization using the TRAM model in Kopontren, located in Jember. Because Jember is a district in East Java that has the most pesantren. The findings indicate that perceived usefullness and perceived ease of use influenced of digitalization in Islamic Boarding School Cooperative. Feelings of discomfort, insecurity, the ability to embrace innovation, and optimism have different effects on the perceived user of digitalization in kopontren. This research can be used to help the management of cooperatives, researchers, and governments establish digital systems in cooperatives, especially at Islamic Boarding School


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How to Cite

Putri Catur Ayu Lestari, Ravika Mutiara Savitrah, & Maulida Dwi Agustiningsih. (2024). Are Islamic Boarding School Cooperatives (Kopontren) Ready to Digitize? Study using the TRAM approach. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 37(3), 1–12.


