The Influence Of Work Motivation And Leadership On The Performance Of Employees Of The Village Unit Cooperative Centre (Puskud) Of Bengkulu Province


  • Debi Isa Bela Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Ida Anggriani Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Kamelia Astuty Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia



Work Motivation, Leadership, Employee Performance


This study investigates the influence of work motivation and leadership on employee performance at the Village Unit Cooperative Center (PUSKUD) in Bengkulu Province. Despite the recognized importance of employee performance, limited research has addressed the combined impact of motivation and leadership in cooperative settings. Using a sample of 36 employees, data were collected via questionnaires and analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results revealed a positive and significant impact of both motivation (t-value 6.326, p < 0.05) and leadership (t-value 6.744, p < 0.05) on performance. The regression equation Y = 4.306 + 0.841(X1) + 0.856(X2) + e indicates that increased motivation and effective leadership improve employee performance. Simultaneous analysis (F-value 43.365, p < 0.05) confirmed the combined effect of these factors. These findings highlight the critical role of motivation and leadership in enhancing employee performance, offering valuable insights for cooperative management practices.


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How to Cite

Bela, D. I., Anggriani, I., & Astuty, K. (2024). The Influence Of Work Motivation And Leadership On The Performance Of Employees Of The Village Unit Cooperative Centre (Puskud) Of Bengkulu Province. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 38(1), 93–98.


