Imprоving The Efficiency of Investments in The Nаtiоnаl Ecоnоmy of Аccumulаtive Pensiоn Funds


  • Mаjidоv Nurаli Mаkhmudоvich Cаndidаte оf ecоnоmicаl sciences, Nаtiоnаl University оf Uzbekistаn, Tаshkent, Uzbekistаn



Pensiоn System, Pensiоn Funds, Finаnciаl Risk, Investment, Refоrm, Pensiоn Pаyments, Wоrking Pоpulаtiоns


An investigation analyzes the investment efficiency of national funds directed through accumulative pension systems in Uzbekistan to improve financial stability and social security programs. The research analyzes how both high financial risks and inflation undermine the reliability of the accumulative pension system. A research assessment demonstrates how investment concentration affects an unstable fiscal environment while showing that sufficient financial tools should protect pension fund longevity and value. The paper assesses Uzbekistan's pension system through international benchmarking data that examines best practices from around the world to determine what would work in the Uzbekistan pension setting. Returns grow and risks decrease because investment portfolio diversification combines with strategies that include risk insurance together with asset allocation. Pension management requires digital modernization together with regulatory changes combined with strategic policy approaches to boost efficiency and transparency. The research endorses progressive investment tools along with incentives which would build trust between public members and the pension system. This study demonstrates that Uzbekistan can enhance both long-term economic stability and social security by filling current fund gaps alongside implementing new financial approaches for strength and sustainability of its accumulative pension system.


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How to Cite

Mаkhmudоvich M. N. (2025). Imprоving The Efficiency of Investments in The Nаtiоnаl Ecоnоmy of Аccumulаtive Pensiоn Funds. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 38(1), 364–371.




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