The Development Of Halal Lifestyle In Mashlahah Mursalah Analysis: Study Of Halal Labeling Trends In Indonesia


  • Nikmatul Masruroh UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember



halal certification, halal lifestyle, mashlahah mursalah


Halal certification which initially became voluntary turned into mandatory, then metamorphosed into halal internalization in life with the term halal lifestyle becoming an increasingly interesting trend to be studied. This term has become popular along with the mandatory halal certification policy for all foods circulating in Indonesia. Thus, halal is not only a religious obligation but is completely internalized in life. This causes the halal certification process to change its form to halal labeling. Business actors flocked to label their products with halal labels so that they could be accepted by the market easily. Thus, halal labeling has become a trend, not only for Muslim entrepreneurs but also non-Muslim entrepreneurs. So this research is important to be carried out with the first focus, how is the halal lifestyle phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia from the producer side?; Second, how is the analysis of halal lifestyle policy using mashlahah mursalah? The method used is the literature study method using mashlahah mursalah analysis. The results of this study state that, first, "halal" in Indonesia has not been able to become a halal lifestyle from the producer side, but there is a trend of halal labeling in order to obtain profits. Second, mashlahah mursalah analysis positions that halal lifestyle development policies can bring benefits because they direct business actors to care about halal labels, but can also make business actors only seek profit, so that the true essence of halal certification will not be obtainedIndonesia has not been able to become a halal lifestyle from the producer side, but there is a trend of halal labeling in order to obtain profits.


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How to Cite

Masruroh, N. (2024). The Development Of Halal Lifestyle In Mashlahah Mursalah Analysis: Study Of Halal Labeling Trends In Indonesia. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 26(4), 54–65.


