Effect of Red Dragon Fruit Substitution on Organoleptic of Choux Pastry Fillings
dragon fruit, choux pasty, filling, substitutionAbstract
: Choux pastry is a dough made from wheat flour, margarine, water and eggs. Choux pastry has a golden yellow color with a soft texture. The purpose of this research are 1). To determine the best formulation for making variations of choux pastry filling with the substitution of red dragon fruit and 2) to determine the effect of substitution red dragon fruit to the choux pastry filling with a percentage of 25%, 50% and 75% toward the sensory quality of the choux pastry filling in in the aspects of color, aroma, texture, and taste. Object of this research is choux pastry filling with the substitution of red dragon fruit. Methods of data collection is through subjective assessment with sensory tests and liking tests. Data collection tool was 30 semi-trained panelists. The data obtained was analyzed statistically using the ANOVA test and further tested using the DUNCAN test. The result obtained from a single classification analysis of variance is that there is an effect of substitute red dragon fruit to the choux pastry filling with a percentage of 25%, 50% and 75% on the sensory quality of the choux pastry in the aspects of color, Aroma, texture, and taste. The substitution of red dragon fruit in making choux pastry filling at 25% is the best treatment with the favorability rating of color (6.12); Aroma (6.53); texture (5.94); and taste (6.53).
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