Ecological-Based Islamic Consumption Patterns


  • Nurul Widyawati Islami Rahayu UIN Kiai Achmad Shiddiq Jember
  • Fauzan Adhim Universitas Argopuro Jember
  • Ubaidillah UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Hepni UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
  • Basuki Hadiprayogo Universitas Agropuro Jember Indonesia


The study investigates ecological-based Islamic consumption patterns, focusing on how Islamic principles can address excessive consumption and its environmental impacts. The research aims to explore three main areas: contemporary consumption patterns and their environmental effects, Islamic perspectives  on property and ownership, and the formulation of Islamic jurisprudence for sustainable consumption practices.A qualitative approach is employed, starting with a literature review on Islamic consumption ethics, environmental jurisprudence, and maqashid shari'ah. Data is collected from government reports, environmental studies, and surveys on household consumption patterns. Additionally, interviews and focus group discussions with religious leaders, environmental experts, and community members provide practical insights. Case studies of successful eco-friendly consumption initiatives are analyzed to develop actionable recommendations for promoting sustainable consumption in line with Islamic principles. The results highlight the significant contribution of household and traditional market waste to national waste, emphasizing the role of consumerism in waste production. Islamic teachings advocate for moderation and ethical consumption, aligning with environmental conservation goals. The study underscores the importance of balancing individual rights with collective benefits and highlights the potential of Islamic principles to guide eco-friendly consumption practices. The findings suggestthat incorporating Islamic consumption ethics into environmental campaigns and education can effectively address the challenges of excessive consumption and promote sustainability


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How to Cite

Nurul Widyawati Islami Rahayu, Fauzan Adhim, Ubaidillah, Hepni, & Basuki Hadiprayogo. (2024). Ecological-Based Islamic Consumption Patterns. International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy, 3(4), 99–110. Retrieved from


