Description of the Composition of Mixed and Pure Stand of Atrush Forest in Northern Iraq


  • Faiza Ali Rashid Department of Forestry/College of Agriculture and Forestry/University of Mosul/Iraq
  • Mohammed Younis Al-Allaf Department of Forestry/College of Agriculture and Forestry/University of Mosul/Iraq


Describing the trees of mixed and pure forests is of great importance to determine the various products and services they provide, so (12) samples were taken from each of the three densities, which were selected randomly, thus the total samples taken for the study amounted to (36) samples with a radius of (30) m. It was noted that there are (11) types of trees present in the study area (Atrush) and they vary in numbers the two dominant types are (Brutian pine and oak in its three types). Brutian pine was present in high proportions in samples (1, 4, 6, 33) and did not appear in other samples while it appeared in the sample (35) in a tiny proportion. As for the oak Quercus aegilops, it is dominant in most of the samples followed by Quercus infectoria while Quercus libani appeared in only one sample. As for the Crataegus azarolus, it spread in several locations and low proportions (0.47-25.25). As for the rest of the species, they appeared in very small proportions and limited samples. It was also found that there are different age stages for the pine as in sample (1), while the rest of the samples are mixed from pine and oak for samples (4, 6, 33). This indicates the modernity of these trees and the ability of the site and species to regenerate naturally. While we find that sample no. (35) contains different age numbers of oaks, which is the most widespread and is in the form of scattered and distributed branches, while pine trees are spread in small proportions and are in different age stages. As for the remaining samples, we find them to be pure oak trees.


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How to Cite

Rashid, F. A., & Al-Allaf, M. Y. (2024). Description of the Composition of Mixed and Pure Stand of Atrush Forest in Northern Iraq. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 3(4), 463–472. Retrieved from


