Association of Stroke with Serum Sodium and Potassium Levels in Al-Diwanyiah Teaching Hospital From June 2023 to May 2024


  • Ayar Shakir Jawad Fellow of Iraqi Board of Medical Specialties / Neurology


Stroke, Electrolyte disturbance, Serum sodium, Serum potassium


The most frequent electrolyte abnormalities seen in stroke patients are disorders of serum electrolytes, including those of potassium and sodium. During the acute phase of a stroke, imbalances in electrolytes such as hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia and an elevation in brain and atrial natriuretic peptide are frequently observed. Aim of study : to estimate the association of prevalent electrolyte imbalances experienced by various kinds of stroke patients. Patients and method: A cross sectional study enrolled 100 patients with stroke of both types admitted to Al-Diwanyiah Teaching Hospital. During period from 1st June to 30th December 2023. Serum sodium and potassium concentration were collected from lab results.   Results: The study enrolled 117 patients with stroke, mean age was 66.8±13.5 and male to female ratio 1.5:1 male constituted 60.7% and female 39.3%. Electrolyte abnormality presented in 28% of patients, hyponatremia presented in 17% and hypernatremia in 7.6%. in other hand hyperkalemia presented 22.3% while hypokalemia in 10.2%. Conclusion: Electrolyte disturbance is a quite common problem that is encountered with stroke. The problem necessitate rapid detection and careful monitoring as it closely affects short term prognosis and stroke outcome.


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How to Cite

Jawad, A. S. (2024). Association of Stroke with Serum Sodium and Potassium Levels in Al-Diwanyiah Teaching Hospital From June 2023 to May 2024. International Journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences, 3(3), 259–265. Retrieved from


