Analysis of the Species Composition of Mosquitoes in the Foci of Leishmaniasis in the Urgut District of the Samarkand Region
Mosquitoes, Phlebotominae, Leishmania, Ph. Papatasi, Ph. Sergenti, Ph. Longiductus, Ph. Alexandri, S. grecoviAbstract
This study investigates the species composition and ecological characteristics of mosquitoes in the Urgut district of Samarkand, focusing on their role as carriers of leishmaniasis. Despite the known prevalence of leishmaniasis in Uzbekistan, gaps exist in understanding the specific species distribution in this region. The research employed field studies, morphometric, and statistical analyses to identify and quantify mosquito species. Findings reveal that Ph. Sergenti and Ph. Longiductus are the dominant species and significant vectors of leishmaniasis in Urgut. These results underscore the importance of targeted mosquito control measures, with implications for reducing disease transmission in endemic areas.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Usarov G. X., Turitsin V. S., Narzullayev M. X.

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