Using Architectural Terms in Uzbek Language


  • Jumaniyazova Enajon Kutimovna Head teacher, Department of “Foreign Languages”, Tashkent University of architecture and Civil engineering



Terminology, Synonymy, Own Layer, Developed Layer, Architecture, Construction, Housing Construction, Urban Planning


The research explores architectural terminology used in Uzbek language through an examination of lexical evolution along with its linguistic value. Uzbek architecture uses words that have evolved from Arabic and Russian and Western sources yet lacks proper taxonomical organization. The research reveals an essential gap in the organization together with standardization of architectural terminology. The research approach uses qualitative linguistic analysis to create themed semantic classifications of terms while comparing Uzbek architectural terminology with historical background and foreign languages. The analysis shows varying patterns of term application together with difficulties in term equivalence and insufficient standards for term standardization. The results show that Uzbek architectural terminology needs refinement alongside structured documentation because it currently lacks theoretical organization. Specialized dictionaries and digital repositories must be developed because this study establishes the necessity to maintain and standardize architectural terms. The study recommends that architects and linguists join efforts to establish standardized terminology about Uzbek architecture because this combination will benefit academic research and architectural practice. This paper's work to solve terminological inconsistencies establishes foundation for language-based and practical progress across the field of Uzbek architecture.


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How to Cite

Kutimovna, J. E. (2025). Using Architectural Terms in Uzbek Language. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 118–123.


