On the Relationship between Iraqi EFL Teachers' Organizational Commitment and Their Leadership Style: A Case Study of Missan Province


  • Walled Khazzal Jabbar Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq


Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, Teaching Styles


This study looked into the connection between the leadership styles of Iraqi EFL teachers and their organisational commitment (OC). The Characteristics of Successful Teachers' Questionnaire and the Organisational Commitment Scale (OCS), which has three sub-scales: Affiliation and Pride, Identification, and Satisfactory Exchange, were given to the EFL teachers in order to get the necessary data. The "Spearman Correlation Coefficient" was utilised in this study's correlation approach to explain teacher dedication and leadership style. In the Missan province of Iraq, 147 male and female teachers were given the "Class Leadership Style" and "Organisational Commitment Scale" questionnaires for this reason. The findings showed a strong and positive correlation between teachers' organisational commitment and their leadership style.


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How to Cite

Jabbar, W. K. (2024). On the Relationship between Iraqi EFL Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Their Leadership Style: A Case Study of Missan Province. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(3), 58–70. Retrieved from https://journal.academicjournal.id/index.php/ijllal/article/view/92


