Phraseologisms in Abdulla Oripov's Poetry


  • Ruzieva Khurshida Utkirovna University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi, Uzbekistan



Abdulla Oripov, Phraseology, Phraseological conjunction, Phraseological unit, Phraseological synonym, Lexical-phraseological synonym


This article explores the use of phraseological units in the poetry of Abdulla Oripov, a renowned people's poet of Uzbekistan. It examines how Oripov skillfully incorporates phraseological expressions into his poems, enhancing their artistic value. The study also delves into synonymous phrases and lexical-phraseological synonyms, providing insight into their role in enriching poetic language. By analyzing the poet's use of these linguistic elements, the article aims to highlight the artistic and expressive potential of phraseological units in poetry. The research contributes to the understanding of phraseology in literary works and offers implications for further studies on the relationship between phraseology and poetic artistry.


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How to Cite

Utkirovna , R. K. (2024). Phraseologisms in Abdulla Oripov’s Poetry. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 71–75.


