Ways to Support and Effectively Develop the Service Sector In the Digital Economy


  • Mamurjon Abdivoxidov Avazxon o‘g‘li Independent researcher of Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service.




Digital economy, service industry, digital service, economic activity, digital technology, services, market services.


The article emphasizes the role of digital technologies in effectively developing the service sector. Given the digitalization of our country’s economy, the article argues that a regional approach is crucial for evaluating the development of the service sector and formulating effective management decisions. Specific recommendations and suggestions are provided for implementing a comprehensive approach to developing service sectors in the context of digital economies within different regions.


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How to Cite

Avazxon o‘g‘li , M. A. (2024). Ways to Support and Effectively Develop the Service Sector In the Digital Economy. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 37(4), 87–91. https://doi.org/10.51699/economics.v37i4.164




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