Highly Skilled Labor Migration and Its Features


  • Kadirova Zulaykho Abduhalimovna PhD, Associate Professor, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan




international migration, STEM, intellectual migration, highly skilled migration, highly educated, college-educated migrants, students migration, entrepreneurial migration, investor migration, professional migration, brain drain


The study looks at intellectual mobility, a phenomenon that is becoming more significant in the globalized economy as highly qualified people go across borders in search of better opportunities. Intellectual migration is accelerated by the high demand for STEM-related talent, which affects the competitiveness and innovation of host nations. Donor nations, however, struggle with "brain drain" as they lose talented individuals. By highlighting intricate elements including education, occupation, and economic effects, this study highlights knowledge gaps in the classification of migrants by ability and qualification. The study looks at policies influencing intellectual migration and analyzes data in a methodical manner. The findings demonstrate the benefits of migration for knowledge sharing and economic progress, pointing to the need for strategies to lessen adverse effects on donor nations and promote international economic and scientific cooperation.


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How to Cite

Abduhalimovna, K. Z. (2024). Highly Skilled Labor Migration and Its Features. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 38(1), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.51699/economics.v38i1.204




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