Highly Skilled Labor Migration And Its Features


  • Kadirova Zulaykho Abduhalimovna Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Phd, Associate Professor




international migration, STEM, intellectual migration, highly skilled migration, highly educated, college-educated migrants, students migration, entrepreneurial migration, investor migration, professional migration, brain drain


The article discusses the phenomenon of intellectual migration, which involves the movement of highly skilled professionals, researchers, and specialists across borders in search of better opportunities. The paper highlights the increasing role of intellectual migration in a globalized economy, particularly in countries with knowledge-based economies, where the demand for skilled workers in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is growing.

Key aspects of intellectual migration include its impact on international competitiveness, innovation, and the exchange of knowledge between countries. The article also addresses the challenges posed by intellectual migration, such as the "brain drain" experienced by donor countries, and explores the classification of migrants based on their skills, qualifications, and contributions to the host country's economy.


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How to Cite

Abduhalimovna, K. Z. (2024). Highly Skilled Labor Migration And Its Features. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 37(4), 164–171. https://doi.org/10.51699/economics.v37i4.257


