Improvement of Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for The Management of The Tourism Industry


  • Saidova Dilfuza Abdufattohovna Fergana State University independent researcher


tourism networks, tourism network infrastructures, tourism network management, competitive tourist services, development of innovative infrastructure, organizational and economic mechanism, service providers, quality of services.


In this article, to control the formation and application of public policy for pravayders, providing services in stabilizing the tourism sector and promoting the development of the sector, to help improve the quality of services, to provide state support for entrepreneurs who have just entered the tourism sector and to provide them with benefits and discounts in the direction of taxes and, in improving the quality of services provided in tourist enterprises, issues of implementation and implementation of projects improving the quality of services along with the authorities and state-owned enterprises are covered.


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How to Cite

Dilfuza Abdufattohovna, S. (2024). Improvement of Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for The Management of The Tourism Industry. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 37(4), 198–205. Retrieved from




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