Optimization of Tetrigona apicalis Propolis Extract using Ethanol Solvent with Shaking Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Method
propolis extraction., response surface methodology, shaking ultrasound-assisted extractionAbstract
Indonesia as a country with a tropical climate, is famous for its natural wealth and has various kinds of flora and fauna that can be found and utilized. Several herbal products have antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities, one of which is propolis. Bee propolis is a functional food because of its nutrition and contains high levels of bioactive components that help protect health. Raw propolis from farmers needs to be purified before human consumption because raw propolis still contains beeswax, resin, and other impurities. The method used is shaking ultrasound-assisted extraction (SUAE), which produces perfect extraction, higher yield and active content, and a shorter time. The purpose of this research is analyzed optimum conditions for extracted Tetrigona apicalis propolis using the SUAE method in ethanol solvent. The propolis extraction process is that raw propolis is size reduced, then solvent is added and macerated using shaker. Next, the extract is processed with a sonicator, and the extract is filtered. The solvent used is 70% ethanol, and the results of the propolis extract are processed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The parameters that were optimized were variations in stirring time of 1-24 hours and ultrasonic process time of 1-20 minutes. The best conditions in the propolis extraction process from the yield response shown were a stirring time of 28.76 minutes and an ultrasonic process time of 23.94 minutes with a yield of 8.735%. Based on statistical analysis using software, stirring time and ultrasonic processing time are factors that have a significant influence on the yield of propolis extract produced. The model used is a quadratic model with R2 0.9452. The yield value of the propolis extract predicted by the software is close to the percent yield value obtained based on experiments carried out with an error value of less than 5%.
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