Study of Water Content Reduction Using Condensation Method In The Framework of Increasing Production Pure Honey
condensation, honey, water contentAbstract
The high water content in honey will trigger yeast activity to grow and develop. At ambient temperature, air humidity increases, so honey will absorb water more easily. High water content will cause the fermentation process to occur. Efforts to reduce the water content in honey are one way to prevent the fermentation process from occurring. Several water content reduction methods commonly used in Indonesia are considered to still need to be updated as innovations. The aim of the research is to increase the efficiency of the honey water content reduction time in the production process, compare the results of the water content reduction process using the dehumification method with the condensation process method and examine the parameters of temperature, time, water content, humidity and honey quality. Research was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative test results show that the color, aroma and taste of samples using the dehumification and condensation methods have the characteristics of honey. Meanwhile, quantitative testing shows that using the condensation method has a better level of productivity and quality than using the dehumification method, this can be seen from the parameters of temperature, water content, humidity, diestase enzyme and hydroxymethylfurfural analysis. Condensation methods produce honey that meets Indonesian national standards 2018. Therefore, this honey water content reduction tool that uses the condensation method is effective in reducing the water content of honey and maintaining its quality.
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