Optimizing Logistics Operations: The Role of Total Quality Management in Service Performance at Jember Post Office


  • Shefiona Zahra Artamefia Muhammadiyah University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Bayu Wijayantini Muhammadiyah University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Seno Sumowo Muhammadiyah University of Jember, Indonesia




Total Quality Management, Competeitive, Logistic


This study explores the impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) on operational performance in the logistics sector, with a focus on the Jember Main Post Office. TQM principles, including customer focus, continuous improvement, teamwork, and employee empowerment, are examined for their role in enhancing service quality and operational efficiency. Using a quantitative descriptive approach, data were collected through employee surveys and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The findings reveal that all TQM dimensions positively and significantly affect operational performance, with customer focus being the most influential factor. These results highlight the importance of TQM practices in boosting process efficiency, minimizing service errors, and enhancing customer satisfaction. The study offers valuable insights for logistics companies aiming to strengthen their operational strategies and maintain a competitive edge.


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How to Cite

Artamefia, S. Z., Wijayantini, B., & Sumowo, S. (2024). Optimizing Logistics Operations: The Role of Total Quality Management in Service Performance at Jember Post Office. International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy, 4(1), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbde.v4i1.270


