Changing the Structure of the Economy and the Role of Holding Companies in Uzbekistan


  • Avazbek Sa’dullayevich Qarshiyev Economics Faculty Student, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan
  • Azamat Abduraim o’g’li Alimov Economics Faculty Student, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan


Holding Companies, Economic Development, Investment, Joint Ventures, Economic Integration, Strategic Management


Focusing on their influence on the growth of the national economy, the paper explores the crucial role holding firms play in Uzbekistan's changing economy. There's a knowledge vacuum regarding the financial and strategic roles these firms play, despite their increasing importance. This study examines the composition, activities, and financial contributions of holding companies using qualitative and quantitative research methods, which will be carried out between 2018 and 2023. As the results show a significant rise in these organizations, their significance in promoting economic integration and growth is highlighted. The results of the study indicate that in order to fully realize their potential in the context of Uzbekistan's economy, customized financial policies and management techniques are crucial.


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How to Cite

Qarshiyev, A. S., & Alimov, A. A. o’g’li. (2024). Changing the Structure of the Economy and the Role of Holding Companies in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy, 3(4), 111–115. Retrieved from


