Effect of spraying with nanofertilizer and adding biofertilizers on some chemical traits of two cultivars of olive seedlings


  • Hadeel Ahemd Abdulrahem Technical College Al-mussaib, Alfurat Alawast Technical University, Iraq
  • Raad Taha Mohamed Technical College Al-mussaib, Alfurat Alawast Technical University, Iraq




nanofertilizer, biofertilizers, olive seedlings


This study was conducted at Al-Zafaraniya Station - Department of Horticulture - Ministry of Agriculture for the spring season 2022, to study the effect of spraying with nano-fertilizer S at three concentrations (0, 1, 2) g.L-1, and adding the biofertilizer F for mycorrhizal fungi and azotobacter bacteria at four levels (0, 50 spores). /g-1 dry soil, 5 ml L-1, 50 spores /g-1 dry soil + 5 ml L-1) on two cultivars of olive seedlings (Ashrasi A1 and Arbequina A2) one year old. A factorial experiment was conducted using a completely randomized block design. (RCBD) and with three factors, and the number of experimental parameters was 24 = 4 x 3 x 2, for three replications, and the experimental unit included 5 seedlings, so the total number of seedlings in the sector becomes 120 seedlings, and the total number of seedlings in the experiment is 360. The data was analyzed according to the statistical program Stat Gen, and the parameters were compared according to L.S.D. at The probability level is 0.05 according to a randomized block design, and the results can be summarized as follows: The cultivars have a significant effect on the chemical traits, where Ashrasi A1 cultivar had a significant effect on the leaves’ content of (nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and zinc), recording (2.01%, 0.39%, 96.78ppm, and 30.86ppm), and excelled on the Arbequina A2 cultivar, which reached the leaves’ nutrient content ( 1.93%, 0.37%, 93.09 ppm and 28.75 ppm) respectively. The nano-fertilizer spraying treatment had a positive effect on all the studied traits, as the S2 spraying treatment at a concentration of 2 g.L-1 excelled, recording the highest averages for all the studied traits (nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and zinc), which amounted to (2.26%, 0.42%, and 99.32). ppm and 35.25ppm) compared to the no-add treatment, which recorded the lowest average of (1.96%, 0.34%, 91.26 ppm, and 24.52ppm), respectively. It also had a significant increase in the treatment of biofertilizers with mycorrhizal fungi and azotobacter aggregate F3, which were added in an enhanced manner on all the studied traits, which included (nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and zinc), reaching (2.27%, 0.44%, 101.51 ppm, and 35.06 ppm), respectively. It was found that The bi-interaction treatment of nanofertilizer and S2F3 biofertilizer had a significant effect on the vegetative and root growth traits. The triple interaction treatment of the study factors had a significant effect on all the studied traits, and the triple interaction treatment a1S2F3 was significantly excelled in all the studied traits.


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How to Cite

Abdulrahem, H. A., & Mohamed, R. T. (2024). Effect of spraying with nanofertilizer and adding biofertilizers on some chemical traits of two cultivars of olive seedlings. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 3(3), 249–259. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbea.v3i3.12


