Evaluation the Role of Ghrelin Hormone, D-Dimer and Biochemical Variable in Covid - 19 Patients
COVID – 19, Ghrelin, D-Dimer, Lipid profileAbstract
This study was directed in the epidemiological unit of Kirkuk General Hospital - Kirkuk Health Directorate, Iraq, from January 10, 2024, to May 12, 2024. It included 83 individuals, both male and female, aged between 17 and 66 years, divided into two groups. The first group included 58 patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection, while the control group consisted of 25 healthy individuals. Tests were conducted in the virology laboratory at Kirkuk General Hospital. The results of the study indicated that COVID-19 infection significantly affected the levels of the studied variables, leading to increased levels of Ghrelin, D-Dimer, WBC, S.T-cholesterol, S.TG, S.LDL-C, S.VLDL-C, and S.Glucose, with average values of 3.757, 1949.03 ng/ml, 11.71 × 103 cells/ml, 251.40, 176.83, 197.36, 35.44, and 358.33 mg/dl for each variable, respectively. In contrast, the infection significantly reduced the levels of PCV and S.HDL-C, reaching 37.26% and 19.51 mg/dl, respectively. Additionally, the interaction between gender and age significantly affected the levels of Ghrelin, D-Dimer, PCV, and WBC, while it had no significant effect on the other studied variables.
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