Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education (IJISE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing the understanding and implementation of inclusive and sustainable education practices globally. The journal serves as a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research, theoretical perspectives, and practical insights that promote educational equity, inclusivity, and sustainability across diverse contexts.


  1. Inclusive Education:

    • Strategies and practices for inclusive teaching and learning.
    • Policy analysis and development for inclusive education.
    • Inclusion of marginalized and underrepresented groups in education.
    • Support systems for students with disabilities and special needs.
    • Teacher education and professional development for inclusive practices.
  2. Sustainable Education:

    • Integration of sustainability principles into educational curricula.
    • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) frameworks and models.
    • Case studies on sustainable educational practices.
    • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness and action.
    • Lifelong learning and sustainability.
  3. Educational Equity and Social Justice:

    • Addressing educational disparities and promoting social justice.
    • Gender equity in education.
    • Culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy.
    • Community engagement and participatory approaches in education.
  4. Innovative Educational Practices:

    • Technology-enhanced learning for inclusivity and sustainability.
    • Innovative teaching methods and learning environments.
    • Collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches in education.
    • Distance learning and its implications for inclusive education.
  5. Global and Comparative Studies:

    • Comparative analyses of inclusive and sustainable education practices worldwide.
    • Global policies and their impact on local educational contexts.
    • International collaborations and partnerships in education.

The IJISE welcomes original research articles, review papers, case studies, and theoretical discussions from scholars, educators, policymakers, and practitioners. Contributions should offer new insights, evidence-based practices, and recommendations for advancing inclusive and sustainable education in various cultural and institutional settings.