The Category Of Emotivity In Context Of Modern Cognitive Linguistics


  • Mukhammadieva Nigina Makhmudovna Teacher of History and Philology Department of Asia International University



Emotivity, Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics, Semiotics, Anthropocentric Language, Conceptual Emotions, Linguistic Emotivity, Cognitive Science.


This article explores the category of emotivity within the framework of modern cognitive linguistics, focusing on its anthropocentric aspects. Cognitive linguistics, often debated regarding its relevance as a field, is considered in this study through the lens of linguistic emotivity, particularly how humans process emotions in communication. The methodology builds on semiotic principles of semantics, syntax, and pragmatics to analyze emotive language's conceptual, evaluative, and functional parameters. The study delves into the interconnectedness between cognitive linguistics and pragmalinguistics, tracing its roots to historical figures like Z. Freud and E. Sepir. The research also highlights the impact of emotions on language perception and categorization, offering insights into the emotive nature of human communication.


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How to Cite

Mukhammadieva Nigina Makhmudovna. (2024). The Category Of Emotivity In Context Of Modern Cognitive Linguistics. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(4), 77–81.


