Study and Importance of Modality Category in World Linguistics


  • Sattorova Shahlo Shavkatovna Doctorate Researcher of Bukhara State University (PhD), Teacher at Bukhara State Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan



Explicit meaning, Implicit meaning, Semantic operators, Linguistic modality, Logical modality, Levels of language


Modality has been a topic of linguistic study since ancient times. This article explores the theories of early linguists on the modality category, while also addressing its various types, features, and meanings. In modern linguistics, the modality category has expanded to include cognitive and cultural functions, which are central to this study. The research aims to clarify the evolution of these functions, addressing a gap in understanding their broader implications in language. Using a comparative analysis of ancient and modern linguistic theories, the results highlight the significant role of modality in shaping both cognition and culture. These findings have implications for further studies in semantics and pragmatics.


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How to Cite

Shavkatovna, S. S. (2024). Study and Importance of Modality Category in World Linguistics. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(4), 82–85.


