Communication Strategy for Waste Management through Collaborative Governance at Blimbingsari Beach, Banyuwangi


  • Ari Susanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Sudahri Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Ali Wafa Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Radityo Hendra Purwanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Qalbiy Sinta Arifta Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember


Waste, Community Empowerment,, Smart Collaborative Governance


The Blimbingsari Beach, a culinary tourism destination in Banyuwangi, has experienced a significant decline in visitor numbers annually because of the substantial accumulation of waste in its vicinity. Despite efforts by the Village Government and local communities to educate about cleanliness and waste management, periodic beach clean-ups could not address the issue. Blimbingsari Beach has become unsightly and unpleasant for visitors. Hence, there is a need for a creative community empowerment communication strategy in waste management at Blimbingsari Beach, Banyuwangi tourism area. This research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach, combining collaborative governance and pentahelix communication. The study focuses on the communication strategy aimed at empowering the community in waste management within the Blimbingsari Beach tourism area, Banyuwangi, using collaborative governance and the role of penta-helix communication We conducted in-depth interviews with 5 relevant stakeholders, including academia, businesses, communities, government, and media. The dynamics of waste management at Blimbingsari Beach develop collaborative principles and maximize the role of pentahelix to bring significant changes: (1) The role of academia through grants from Student Senate Organizations as an example for the community to conduct continuous beach clean-ups and draft village regulations on waste management, (2) Business involvement in MSMEs revitalization and pavement installation in the beach area, (3) Community roles such as Tourism Awareness Groups, Youth Organizations, and Volunteer Student Groups to educate the community through collaborative beach clean-ups, (4) Government involvement in establishing new Integrated Waste Disposal Sites, Environmental Agencies campaigning for waste segregation, management, and cultural change in waste disposal, as well as drafting Blimbingsari Village Regulations on waste management, (5) Media’s role in promoting and branding the beach using influencer power.


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How to Cite

Ari Susanti, Sudahri, Ali Wafa, Radityo Hendra Purwanto, & Qalbiy Sinta Arifta. (2024). Communication Strategy for Waste Management through Collaborative Governance at Blimbingsari Beach, Banyuwangi. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 1–14. Retrieved from


