Program Integration and Sustainability of Health and Fitness Program: Literature Review


  • Di Wu Student, Post Graduate Centre, Management and Science University, University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Section 13,40100, Selangor, Malaysia & Associate professor, College of Physical Education, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China
  • Ali Khatibi Professor, Post Graduate Centre, Management and Science University, University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Section 13,40100, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Jacquline Tham Associate professor, Post Graduate Centre, Management and Science University, University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Section 13,40100, Selangor, Malaysia



Program Integration, Sustainability, Health, Fitness Program


Integrating multiple health and exercise programs is crucial to tackling the complex concerns of juvenile health and guaranteeing their long-term success. This integration combines education, community participation, infrastructure development, and policy implementation to improve youth physical health. National fitness and health efforts for young people in Heilongjiang Province must integrate many health and fitness goals to be successful. To address the region's demographic and socioeconomic concerns, different sectors must work together. These programs need supportive legislation, strong infrastructure, and extensive education. Current health trends and behaviors have made it difficult to design and implement physical activity recommendations for youth, requiring continuing improvements. Recent research and policy changes have improved these guidelines to keep them relevant and effective in encouraging physical activity in children and adolescents. This section reviews the literature's issues and successes, providing a complete summary of youth physical activity standards. The rise in sedentary behavior, especially among adolescents, is a global issue. The growing use of smartphones, tablets, and laptops has increased sedentary habits, especially screen time. This trend threatens young people's physical and emotional health, increasing obesity, cardiovascular disease, and mental illness. Thus, current physical activity standards emphasize reducing sedentary behavior and supporting active lifestyles. Physical activity disparities between socioeconomic classes are another urgent concern. Evidence suggests that children from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to follow physical activity guidelines due to lack of safe recreational spaces, financial constraints, and organized sports programs. Targeted programs and policies that provide equal and unbiased physical exercise opportunities for all young people are needed to alleviate these inequities. Current policy priorities prioritize comprehensive services for vulnerable and underserved households.


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How to Cite

Di Wu, Ali Khatibi, & Jacquline Tham. (2024). Program Integration and Sustainability of Health and Fitness Program: Literature Review. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 55–70.


