Patterns of Recruitment and Cadderization of Human Resources and Strategies for Organizational Development of Political Parties in East Java
Individual Capacity, Organizational Culture, Leadership and SystemsAbstract
This study develops a recruitment and cadre management model to address human resource development challenges within political parties in East Java, focusing on the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Democratic Party. Political parties face issues such as weak management, low organizational commitment, dynasty politics, and money politics, which hinder the development of competent future leaders. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, data were collected through observations, interviews, and focus group discussions. The findings reveal that both parties attempted management changes but faced persistent challenges due to elite-driven decision-making, poor organizational commitment, and weak policy implementation. This research highlights the need for innovative recruitment and cadre strategies to enhance human resource capacity, offering valuable insights for political party reforms in similar contexts.
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