Nieghbourhood Watch: A Vehicle For Combating Crime In Port Harcourt Urban Of Rivers State, Nigeria


  • Justice Ferdinard Okpo Department of Political Science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt
  • Benneth Orji Department of Sociology, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt



Nieghbourhood Watch, Panacea, Combating, Crime, Nigeria


Today, Nigeria is facing unprecedented threat to her National security, which is occasioned by the high rate of crime that pervades the length and breadth of the nation with adverse impact on the psychosocio economic development of Nigerians. Combating this menace using state security agencies alone has been a huge challenge. A close observation of the phenomenon shows that most Nigerians do not see crime as a collective responsibility that requires joint effort. This paper argues that the indifferent attitude showed by Port Harcourt in Rivers State, Nigerians to crime control is one challenge that is undermining government efforts in checking menace. The aim of this paper therefore, is to x-ray measures this will help to strengthen our National security through improved crime control. The paper suggests that crime can be better managed with the cooperation of the populace, through Neighborhood Watch schemes.


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How to Cite

Okpo, J., & Orji, B. (2024). Nieghbourhood Watch: A Vehicle For Combating Crime In Port Harcourt Urban Of Rivers State, Nigeria . Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(5), 123–131.


