Sociological Dynamics Of The Sandwich Generation In The Digital Era Islamic Economic Perspective


  • Nurul Widyawati Islami Rahayu UIN KHAS Jember
  • Fauzan Adhim UNIPAR Jember
  • Fauzan Fauzan UIN KHAS Jember


Sandwich Generation, Digital Era, Islamic Economy, Sociological Dynamics, Social Welfare., Redistribution Of Wealth


This research aims to analyze the sociological dynamics faced by the sandwich generation in the digital era through an Islamic economic perspective. The sandwich generation, consisting of individuals who are financially responsible for their parents and children, faces unique challenges in managing the economic and social well-being of their families. In the digital era, technological and economic changes exacerbate the complexity of their role. The Islamic economic approach offers solutions through principles such as zakat, alms and waqf that support the redistribution of wealth and social welfare. This study uses qualitative methods with literature analysis and in-depth interviews to explore how Islamic economic principles can be applied to support the sandwich generation in facing economic and social pressures. The research results show that the application of Islamic economic principles can increase the financial and social stability of the sandwich generation, as well as strengthen family ties and social solidarity in society. In conclusion, the integration of Islamic economic values in public policies and daily life practices has the potential to provide effective solutions to the challenges faced by the sandwich generation in the digital era.


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How to Cite

Islami Rahayu , N. W., Adhim , F., & Fauzan , F. (2024). Sociological Dynamics Of The Sandwich Generation In The Digital Era Islamic Economic Perspective. Procedia Business and Financial Technology, 1(1), 1–12. Retrieved from


