Effect of Gonadotropin Hormones on Viability, Morphology and In Vitro Maturation of Sheep Oocytes


  • Hayder Abdullah Kadhim Al-Sarray Middle Technical University, Kut Technical Institute, Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Iraq




In Vitro Maturation (IVM), Gonadotropin, FSH, Immature Oocyte, Sheep, Hcg


The study investigates the impact of gonadotropin hormones on the viability, morphology, and in vitro maturation of sheep oocytes, addressing a knowledge gap in optimizing culture conditions for oocyte maturation. Using a controlled experiment, immature sheep oocytes were divided into groups with varying concentrations of hCG and PMSG hormones and incubated under specific conditions. The findings revealed that the addition of gonadotropins significantly increased oocyte viability, with the highest viability and normal morphology observed in the group with the highest hormone concentration. These results underscore the critical role of gonadotropins in enhancing oocyte maturation, with implications for improving in vitro fertilization techniques in mammals.


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How to Cite

Hayder Abdullah Kadhim Al-Sarray. (2024). Effect of Gonadotropin Hormones on Viability, Morphology and In Vitro Maturation of Sheep Oocytes. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 3(3), 431–437. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbea.v3i3.86


