Quality Service to Performance Work Employee in Region Work Public Health Center Lubuk Ligau City in 2024


  • Sherly Master Study Program Dehansen University Bengkulu Public Health, Indonesia
  • Yunita Theresiana Master Study Program Dehansen University Bengkulu Public Health, Indonesia
  • Hartian Pansori Master Study Program Dehansen University Bengkulu Public Health, Indonesia




Performance Work, Quality Service, Tangibles


The quality of health services is important and a concern throughout level health services in a way global. Matter this is appropriate with commitment world one of them reach scope health universal or Universal Health Coverage (UHC) on in 2030 (WHO, 2018). Indonesia continues to strive to improve access and quality of health services base and references (Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2016). Effort strengthening health services primary (primary health care) is Wrong One pillar main in agenda transformation system national health through the Community Health Center accreditation system (RI Ministry of Health, 2023). Study design in research This use study observation analytic with design study Cross Sectionals. The population and sample are all employees at the Megang Community Health Center, LubukLiggau City, totaling 66 people, and this number will be used as the total population. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis using Chi-square analysis techniques. This research begins since April until May 2024. Based on characteristics respondent, Performance Employee work More health centers are good, with an average employee age ≥ 45 year, with female gender and college education, with physical evidence variable service quality Good, fpower responsive Which Good, faya reliable Which Good, guarantee Which Good even empathy the good one. There is connection proof physique with performance Work (p-value 0.009), Power Responsive (p-value 0.005), Reliability (p-value 0.040), Assurance (p-value 0.017), Empathy (p-value 0.014). Physical Evidence is the most dominant factor in Service Quality on Employee Work Performance in the Lubuk Linggau City Health Center Work Area in 2024. Repair or replace tool health Which damaged so that expedite activity treatment And maintenance which exists in Public health center holding, as well as do renovation building or room Which Already No Can used again.


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S. Arikunto, Research Management, revised ed., 7th printing, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2018.

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A. Donabedian, Exploration in Quality and Monitoring Health Administration, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1980.

Firmansyah, "The Influence of Service Quality Dimensions on STIK Student Satisfaction Levels Bina Husada Palembang 2016," STIK Bina Husada Palembang, 2016.

J. L. Gibson, J. M. Ivancevich, and J. H. Donnelly, Organization, Behavior, Structure, and Process, Binapura Aksara Publisher, Jakarta, 2018.

D. Goetsch and S. David, Introduction to Total Quality (translation), Prenhallindo, Jakarta, 1997.

F. C. Gomez, Management Source Power Man, Andi, Yogyakarta, 2018.

Y. Theresiana, "Quality of Health Services on the Reliability of Employee Performance at the Pangkalan Balai Community Health Center, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra," retrieved from https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=id&user=q-q1_jsAAAAJ&citation_for_view=q-q1_jsAAAAJ:2osOgNQ5qMEC, accessed July 31, 2022.




How to Cite

Sherly, S., Theresiana, Y., & Pansori, H. (2024). Quality Service to Performance Work Employee in Region Work Public Health Center Lubuk Ligau City in 2024. International Journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences, 3(3), 274–282. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijhsms.v3i3.57


