The Topic of Developing Research Skills in School Students


  • Mamaraimov Bekzod Kadirovich Termez State University Academic Lyceum
  • Makhmudov A'zam Kudratovich Termez State University Academic Lyceum, Teacher of Mathematics, Termiz, Uzbekistan
  • Musurmonov Ma'ruf Akrom Ugli Termez State University Academic Lyceum, Teacher of Mathematics, Termiz, Uzbekistan



Research skills, School students, Education, Critical thinking, Inquiry-based learning, Curriculum development


Research skills are essential for enhancing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities in school students. Despite their significance, limited attention has been given to integrating research-based learning in school curricula. This study aims to address this gap by exploring effective strategies and methodologies for developing research skills among students. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through a review of educational practices and case studies from various school settings. The findings highlight that integrating research-based activities fosters critical thinking, improves engagement, and equips students with lifelong learning competencies. The study underscores the importance of curriculum design that incorporates research skills development to prepare students for future academic and professional challenges.


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How to Cite

Kadirovich, M. B., Kudratovich, M. A., & Ugli, M. M. A. (2024). The Topic of Developing Research Skills in School Students. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 3(4), 100–104.


