The Impact of the Environmental Management System According to ISO:14006:2020 on the Strategic Flexibility of Diyala State Company


  • Dr Husam Salah Sameen AL-Rubaye Designation: Lecturer Al-Muqdad collage of education Affiliation: University of Diyala Diyala -Iraq
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayder Shaker Noory College of Administration and Economics University of Diyala



Environmental Management System, ISO:14006:2020, Strategic Flexibility, Diyala State Company


This study examines the impact of the environmental management system requirements according to the international standard (ISO:14006:2020) on the strategic flexibility at Diyala State Company, chosen as a suitable research site. It seeks to answer two key questions: To what extent does the company meet the requirements of the ISO:14006:2020 standard? And, does the environmental management system, according to this standard, affect the company’s strategic flexibility? Eight requirements from the standard were tested. The study utilized a descriptive-analytical approach, using a questionnaire as the primary tool, which was distributed to a sample of 50 participants. The findings revealed a gap of 22.6% in implementing the environmental management system requirements, largely due to weaknesses in applying and documenting certain elements. The higher level of application resulted from the company’s reliance on a quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO:9001:2015 standard, focusing on environmental protection plans, programs, and policies. To reduce this gap, the study identified strengths to enhance and weaknesses to address for each requirement. The study also found that the application of the environmental management system according to ISO:14006:2020 positively impacts the company’s strategic flexibility. Therefore, the study recommends developing action plans to implement this system's requirements to facilitate certification acquisition, adopting continuous improvement as a working methodology, and making it an ongoing organizational practice.


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How to Cite

Dr Husam Salah Sameen AL-Rubaye, & Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayder Shaker Noory. (2024). The Impact of the Environmental Management System According to ISO:14006:2020 on the Strategic Flexibility of Diyala State Company. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 3(4), 105–127.




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