The Role and Place Of Botanical Terms In The Development Of Russian And Uzbek Linguistics


  • Majidova Hulkar Ibrokhimovna Doctoral student at Navoi State University



Phytonyms, Phonetics, Morphemics, Morphology, Botanical Terminology, Translation, Russian, Uzbek Language


This study explores the role of botanical terms (phytonyms) in developing Russian and Uzbek linguistics, focusing on their phonetic, morphological, and semantic features. The research highlights the cultural and historical significance of botanical terms, such as their symbolic meanings in folklore and literature, reflecting the unique natural and societal contexts of Russia and Uzbekistan. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, combining phonetic and morphemic analyses with comparative studies of Russian and Uzbek botanical terms. The study also examines the processes of lexical borrowing and adaptation, emphasizing how cultural exchange enriches the linguistic systems of both languages. Results reveal key differences in term formation—Russian often uses suffixes, while Uzbek relies on compound words. Additionally, metaphorical and symbolic meanings of botanical terms underscore their importance in linguistic systems. This analysis enhances understanding of how botanical terms function as linguistic, cultural, and historical markers, contributing to vocabulary development and cross-cultural communication.


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How to Cite

Majidova Hulkar Ibrokhimovna. (2024). The Role and Place Of Botanical Terms In The Development Of Russian And Uzbek Linguistics. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 33–37.




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