Effect of Motivation Through Healthy Work Environment and Workers Participation in Management Decision Making on Employee’s Job Performance in FMC, Taraba State, Nigeria


  • Mary William Habu Department of Public Administration, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Danladi Hussaini (Ph.D) Department of Public Administration, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Nwosu Chinedu Everest (Ph.D) Department of Sociology, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria




Employees Job Performance, Motivation, Healthy Work Environment, Workers Participation, Federal Medical Centre, Taraba State, Nigeria


This study investigates the effect of motivation through healthy work environment and workers participation in management decision making on employee’s job performance in Federal Medical Centre Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. With the aid of the study objectives, two hypotheses were formulated in the study. A sample size of 334 was adopted from the population of the study using Taro Yamane formular for sample size determination. The proportionate sampling technique was used in this study to determine the number of respondents drawn from each of the departments in the FMC, Jalingo Taraba State, Nigeria. The summation of all the responses were presented in frequency distribution tables and simple percentages. The mean analysis was used to analyze the data generated from the field while the multiple regression statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses formulated in the study. The findings reveal among others that, motivation through healthy work environment has significant effect on employee’s job performance in FMC Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. The study concludes that motivation through healthy work environment, and employee’s participation in management decision-making has effect on employee’s job performance in FMC Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. The study recommends among others that, FMC Jalingo, Taraba State should continue to motivate its employees by ensuring a healthy work environment that fosters well-being and reduces job stress. This also includes ensuring a cordial relationship amongst staff and implementing policies that promote work-life balance which in turn leads to improved employee’s job performance and satisfaction, and organizational growth.


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How to Cite

William Habu, M., Hussaini (Ph.D), D., & Chinedu Everest (Ph.D), N. (2025). Effect of Motivation Through Healthy Work Environment and Workers Participation in Management Decision Making on Employee’s Job Performance in FMC, Taraba State, Nigeria. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science, 27(1), 8–21. https://doi.org/10.51699/emjms.v27i1.396




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