Commitment To Treating Tuberculosis Patients
Therapy, Tuberculosis Patients, Phthisiologist, Compliance, Medical RecommendationAbstract
Adherence to therapy" is usually defined as a characteristic of the patient's treatment-related behavior in the context of compliance with the doctor's recommendations (taking prescribed medications, following a diet, independently performing recommended physical exercises during rehabilitation, etc.); "compliance" most often means consent to treatment, cooperation with the doctor and fulfillment of all therapy requirements, or precise and conscious fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations during treatment. The question arises about the need for psychological support of the treatment process in phthisiology, which, according to the results obtained, is virtually absent. It seems that the key role in such interaction should be played by a medical (clinical) psychologist, and the key determinants of the focus of his work will be increasing patient compliance and correcting stigmatizing manifestations in doctors.
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