Taxonomic Study Of Tomato Plant Lycopersicon Solanum, Its Diseases and Methods Of Controlling Them In Kirkuk Governorate / Al-Hawija District


  • Alahin Arif Salman Yosif Al Bayati General Directorate of Salahaddin Province Education, Ministry of Education, Department Amerli Salahaddin Iraq.
  • Samar.N.Al Bayrakdar Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Tikrit University / College of Education / Tuz Khurmatu



Pome - Cherry Processing Industries, Lycopene, Diseases, Bacterial Wilt Fruit Stem Cracking


The research dealt with a comprehensive definition of the structures of tomatoes (Lycopersicum Solanum) - its classification and determining its growth conditions. The word tomato refers to both the fruits and the plant, which are characterized by their smooth, round shape, light acidic taste, and are usually juicy. Its original homeland is South America, and then its cultivation spread throughout the world until it reached Iraq, especially in the district of Al-Hawija, where it is famous for its cultivation to this day. The varieties of tomatoes (Plum, Cherry, Ribbed, Brandywine) were studied. In addition to noting the increasing demand for tomatoes in Iraq due to their benefits, as they are used in many industries It is a converting tomato paste, ketchup, and salads and is beneficial for some heart diseases because it contains the lycopene formula, which is considered an antioxidant The study included morphological characteristics such as root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, in addition to Diagnosis of diseases affecting tomato plants such as bacterial wilt, sunburn, bacterial spot, smoke mosaic virus, fruit flats, fruit top rot, bacterial canker and leaf curl virus The factors that cause it and ways to combat it


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How to Cite

Alahin Arif Salman Yosif Al Bayati, & Samar.N.Al Bayrakdar. (2024). Taxonomic Study Of Tomato Plant Lycopersicon Solanum, Its Diseases and Methods Of Controlling Them In Kirkuk Governorate / Al-Hawija District. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 3(4), 479–492.




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