The Effect of the Planting Term and Mineral Fertilizer Rate of the Sesame (Sesamum L.) Variety “Kora Shog‘zoda” on the Germination and Seedling Thickness of Sesame


  • Golibjon Kuchkarovich Diyarov 1. Deputy Director of the Samarkand Scientific Experimental Station of the Scientific Research Institute of Cotton Selection, Seed Breeding, and Agrotechnologies of Cultivation.



Sesame Cultivation, Sowing Periods, Germination Dynamics, Mineral Fertilization, Agrotechnology, Seedling Growth, Climate Adaptation, Oilseed Productivity.


Under typical irrigated gray soil in Samarkand the study evaluates the germination behavior and seedling development of sesame (Sesamum L.) variety “Qara Shahzoda” when cultivated at different planting times with various mineral fertilizer rates. Sesame seeds sown on May 15-20 initiated germination up to six days ahead of April 25-30 plantings and three days earlier than May 5-10 plantings. Seedlings that sprouted during the early sowing period developed thin features that made them more susceptible than seedlings which grew in subsequent time periods. Research evidence shows that sesame germination requires temperatures ranging from 18-20 degrees Celsius in the air and 15-16 degrees Celsius in the soil at 10 cm depth. The tested conditions enabled full germination in 16 days for the first period and 10 days for the third period and 13 days for the second period. Different mineral fertilizer rates N150 P105 K75, N120 P90 K60, N90 P60 K45 did not produce noticeable changes in the germination rates of the plant. The study supports Uzbekistan’s agricultural approach to boost oilseed farming which seeks to increase domestic production while decreasing imported sesame oil requirements. The identification of the best sowing time remains important for sesame because the crop shows sensitivity to changes in weather conditions. These research discoveries help create improved agrotechnology methods for Central Asia sesame cultivation which will adapt better to climate variations while boosting production levels.Keywords: typical gray soil, sesame, sowing period, fertilization rate, seed yield, yield, diseases and pests, extreme.


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How to Cite

Diyarov, G. K. (2025). The Effect of the Planting Term and Mineral Fertilizer Rate of the Sesame (Sesamum L.) Variety “Kora Shog‘zoda” on the Germination and Seedling Thickness of Sesame. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 4(1), 101–106.


