The Effect of Calf sex and Number of Production Seasons on Milk Yield and Some Chemical Components in the Milk of Holstein Cows Raised in Sayed Dakhil City
Gender of calf, Number of production seasons, Chemical components of milk, HolsteinAbstract
This study was conducted in Iraq, Thi Qar Governorate, Sayed Dakhil District, Al-Nawi and Al-Ismail Village during the period from 10/1/2023 to 8/1/2024. To evaluating, the effect of the sex of the newborn and increasing the number of production seasons on the total and daily milk production and some chemical properties of the milk of Holstein cows raised in Sayed Dakhil City. The study included 380 raw milk samples taken from 38 Holstein cows of different ages suckling calves of different sexes. The results of the study showed a significant effect (P<0.05) of the sex of the calf on daily and total milk production, as mothers with female births significantly outperformed mothers with male births in daily and total milk production, with averages of (0.386±24, 115.82±7200) (0.358±18.52, 107.47±5557.58) respectively. The sex of the newborn also had a significant effect (p<0.05) on some chemical components of milk, as mothers with male births significantly (p<0.05) outperformed mothers with female births in the percentage of total solids, fat percentage, non-fat solids percentage, protein percentage, and mineral percentage. No significant effect (p<0.05) of the sex of the newborn was observed on the percentage of lactose sugar. The results showed a significant effect (p<0.05) of the number of production seasons on daily and total milk production. The highest average daily and total milk production was in cows with the fourth birth sequence and above, with averages of (0.251±25.25, 77.98±7575.54), while the lowest average daily and total milk production was in cows with the first birth sequence, with averages of (0.143±11.05, 43.02±3316), respectively. The birth sequence also had a significant effect (p<0.05) on some chemical components of milk, such as the percentage of total solids, fat percentage, and non-fat solids percentage. No significant effect (p<0.05) of the birth sequence was observed on the percentage of protein, lactose percentage, and ash percentage.
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