The Impact of Agricultural Land Use on Some Chemical Properties of Desert Soils in the Holy Karbala Governorate


  • Mohammed Abbood Bander Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kufa, Iraq
  • Ayad Kadhim Ali Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kufa, Iraq



Land Use, Desert Soils, Chemical Properties of Desert Soils


This study investigates the impact of agricultural land use on the chemical properties of desert soils in the Holy Karbala Governorate, Iraq. Despite the extensive use of desert soils for agriculture, little is known about how these practices affect soil chemistry in this region, creating a critical knowledge gap. The research employed a comparative analysis between cultivated and uncultivated lands across six pedons, analyzing key soil parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, and nutrient content. The findings reveal significant alterations in soil chemistry due to agricultural activities, including decreased soil pH and electrical conductivity, increased organic matter and cation exchange capacity, and variable nutrient content. These results underscore the need for sustainable land management practices to maintain soil health and productivity, which is vital for long-term agricultural success in arid environments.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Abbood Bander, & Ayad Kadhim Ali. (2024). The Impact of Agricultural Land Use on Some Chemical Properties of Desert Soils in the Holy Karbala Governorate. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture , 3(3), 413–423.




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