Critical Role of Sociology in Sustainable Development and Social Equity


  • Navruzov Oybek Egamqulovich Doctoral Student of the Department of Sciences, University of Sociology and Social, Samarkand state named after Sh.Rashidov, Uzbekistan



society, social sustainable development, scientific forecast, hierarchy of relations


This study examines the critical role of sociology in ensuring sustainable development within a nation. Despite the recognition of sustainable development's importance, the practical application of sociological insights remains underexplored, creating a significant knowledge gap. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, including qualitative analysis of policy documents and quantitative surveys of public attitudes, this research identifies key areas where sociology informs policy decisions, promotes social equity, and fosters community engagement for environmental protection. Findings reveal that sociological perspectives significantly impact the development and implementation of effective sustainability initiatives. Results highlight the necessity of integrating sociological insights with policymaking processes to address complex societal issues and achieve sustainable development. This study implies that greater collaboration between sociologists, policymakers, and community leaders is essential for navigating the challenges of a sustainable future.


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How to Cite

Egamqulovich, N. O. (2024). Critical Role of Sociology in Sustainable Development and Social Equity. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 3(7), 37–41.


