“A Person is a Trunk With Own Roots” or How Families Build People up
psychology, family, criminals, formation of mindset, methods of bringing up, dictatorship, cooperation, non-interference, guidenship, cruelty, separation process.Abstract
The article covers the question of right bringing up as well as family circumstances influencing the mindset of a child and triggering future actions of cruelty or virtue. It also exemplifies the cases of criminals, whose violency was born by the family conditions they had to face and what exactly facilitated the formation of their mindset as well as the psychological and religious connections with the family relationship.
“96 FAmily quotes to show the love, jog shared memories and smile as one” on the website “Adobe” https://www.adobe.com/express/discover/quotes/family#:~:text=Families%20are%20like%20branches%20on,our%20roots%20remain%20as%20one.%E2%80%9D
“Role of family in personality development” Blokhina Svetlana Alexanderovna. October 11. https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/19/1025/
“What is the definition of psychological separation from one's family?” Samantha Brown. website “Quora”
“God's design for the Family” CPC Library, Trinity Pulpit or Stan Reeves
“Role of Religion: How Religion Affects Family Relationships” the article on the catholic church website “Daily bread” https://www.catholicfaithstore.com/daily-bread/role-religion-religion-affects-family-relationships/
Being ‘mature for your age’ could mean you were parentified.” article by Jillian Willson.March.22,2024/https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mature-for-age-childhood-effect_l_65f0b787e4b01707c6d21961#:~:text=Being%20'mature%20for%20your%20age'%20could%20mean%20you%20were%20parentified.&text=This%20can%20look%20like%20taking,younger%20sibling%2C%20according%20to%20William.
“Talking with Serial killers” Christopher Berry Dee. page 14 October 4, 2001. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/421358.Talking_with_Serial_Killers
Article of Alexander Sergeevich Pudachev in the journal “Young scientist” No. 7 (42) July 2012. https://moluch.ru/archive/42/5051/
The process of developing an independent identity and sense of self from one's family of origin
“Talking with Serial killers” Christopher Berry Dee. page 14 October 4, 2001
Theodore Robert Bundy (November 24, 1946 – January 24, 1989) was an American serial killer
Genesis 2:20-25, 4:1. Exodus 20:5-6, Joshua 7:10,15,24-25, 2 Kings 13:23.