A Cross-Sectional Study of Allegorical Devices in English and Uzbek Languages


  • Malika Rajapova Axmadali Researcher of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan




allegory, cross-semantic analysis, English literature, Uzbek literature, figurative devices, cultural differences, moral values, social critique, narrative techniques, comparative linguistics


This study presents a cross-sectional analysis of allegorical devices in English and Uzbek languages, focusing on how each tradition utilizes allegory to convey deeper meanings and abstract concepts. The research integrates linguistic and cultural perspectives to demonstrate the universality of allegory as a narrative tool while also addressing distinct stylistic variations. English literature tends to employ allegory for social critique and philosophical reflection, whereas Uzbek literature emphasizes moral, spiritual, and didactic purposes. The paper explores allegory's role as a bridge between abstract ideas and tangible imagery, highlighting the importance of cultural context in shaping its use. The comparative findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how these two distinct literary traditions adapt similar narrative techniques to express unique cultural, historical, and philosophical perspectives.


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How to Cite

Axmadali, M. R. (2024). A Cross-Sectional Study of Allegorical Devices in English and Uzbek Languages. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(4), 99–102. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijllal.v3i4.165




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