The Expression of Indefiniteness in English and Uzbek Languages


  • Klicheva Nargiza Ashirbayevna English Teacher of The Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan



Indefiniteness, Pronouns, Article, One, Number, Someone, Somebody, Something, Group, Definite, Person


This study explores the expression of indefiniteness in English and Uzbek, highlighting its role in indicating that referents are not identifiable due to a lack of shared knowledge or previous mention. While previous research has addressed definiteness in various languages, the specific mechanisms of indefiniteness in these two languages remain under-explored. The aim of this research is to analyze and compare how English and Uzbek convey indefiniteness, utilizing a qualitative approach that includes text analysis and examples from native speakers. Results reveal distinct patterns in the use of indefinite articles and pronouns, contributing to a better understanding of how different languages handle the concept of indefiniteness. These findings have implications for linguistic theory and translation studies, offering insights into cross-linguistic variation in expression and comprehension.


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How to Cite

Ashirbayevna, K. N. (2024). The Expression of Indefiniteness in English and Uzbek Languages. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(4), 86–90.


