Psychological-Pedagogical Features of Developing Students’ Moral Attitude Based on Axiological Approaches


  • Pardayev Sobit Abdivali oglu UzFinPI, Associate Professor of the Department of “Music ducation” PhD in Pedagogy



Axiological approaches, moral relations, psychological-pedagogical characteristics, behavior, values, person, society, social, strategy.


In this particular article, the author focuses on the aspects of psychological education of students and their morality with help of specified axiological approaches to democratic education. Such work emphasizes the hypothetical key features of students’ development and the significance of realizing effective ways of ethical thinking and acting correspondingly in educational processes. Integrated into axiological perspective, the article explores the possibility of choosing values that can serve as the basis for forming the students’ moral values and experience, the stimulation of a deeper sense of responsibility, respect for other people’s feelings and world around. Moreso, the research focuses on the strategies that might be taken by teachers with a view of aligning these values into objectives that are being pursued in the class with an awe of cultivating moral values in a systematic way. Furthermore, it recognises how cognition; emotion; and social aspects interact in the formation of moral disposition; and offers some guidelines on how these components can be fostered according to the individual differences among students as well as the social norms and expectations. Finally, this research establishes the significance of values education in fostering moral persons into the community.


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How to Cite

Pardayev Sobit Abdivali oglu. (2025). Psychological-Pedagogical Features of Developing Students’ Moral Attitude Based on Axiological Approaches. Pindus Journal of Culture Literature and ELT, 5(1), 31–37.