Inderect Speech in Languages Uzbek and French


  • Sayfullayev Bakhshillo Nematulloyevich 1. Bukhara State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, The teacher of the french philology department
  • Shahobova Maftuna 4th year student (French language)



someone else's speech, indirect speech, text, author's speech, morphological device, syntactic device, narrative indirect speech.


The article is devoted to one of the important directions of the category of communicative purpose - someone else's speech and its second type, i.e. indirect speech in French and Uzbek. It focuses on the ways of indirect speech in unrelated languages, which are divided according to the content and grammatical signs in the sentence. At the same time, the functional and semantic features of indirect speech in the text in French and Uzbek are explained.


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How to Cite

Sayfullayev Bakhshillo Nematulloyevich, & Shahobova Maftuna. (2025). Inderect Speech in Languages Uzbek and French. Pindus Journal of Culture Literature and ELT, 5(1), 15–19.

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